aEPrep Apps

Emergency Preparedness Apps

There are dozens, maybe hundreds of emergency apps.  Unfortunately, no one emergency app has all the information we would need before, during and immediately after a disaster.  The following are the top four must-have emergency preparedness apps if you live in Santa Clara County:

Emergency!  From the American Red Cross: This app includes first aid and a local weather link; it provides real-time severe weather alerts and safety information for various hazards.

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). This app provides a customizable checklist of emergency supplies, maps of open shelters and Disaster Recovery Centers, and tips on how to survive more than twenty natural and manmade disasters. It includes a “Disaster Reporter” feature. Users can upload and share photos of disaster damage.

Nextdoor (iPhone, Android).  This neighborhood-centric app allows you to get disaster alerts via text or email and communications from official agencies. Additionally, neighbors can communicate with each other – crowdsourcing local information needs and available resources.

ReadySCC is THE app for Santa Clara County residents. It contains links to the emergency preparedness webpages of the county as well as most cities in Santa Clara County. It has contact information for local resources such as hospitals, fire stations, housing and food agencies.

Check the table below for a more comprehensive list of features for each recommended app.

If you or your family members take medications, have pets, do not speak English, travel frequently, etc. you might consider researching and adding to your digital go-bag  other relevant apps such as pet first aid, maps, translators, etc.