2018 Palo Alto City Council Candidates Questionnaire
View Candidates’ Responses by Candidate
View Candidates’ Responses by Question
What do you hope to achieve in the next four years on the city council?
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) Rules
What changes would you make to the rules allowing Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) in single-family residential neighborhoods? Should denser housing development be allowed in single-family residential neighborhoods?
Balancing Building Housing With the Limits of Infrastructure
How do we balance the pressure to build housing against the limits of infrastructure, such as transportation, parks, school capacity, and the environment?
Are you satisfied with current Code Enforcement as a way of protecting neighborhood uses and quality of life? If yes, why? If not, how would you increase the effectiveness of Code Enforcement activities?
Collaborating With Other Cities to Coordinate Rail Options
How should Palo Alto collaborate with other cities to coordinate options and obtain more funding for grade separations from regional, state, and Federal governments.
Creating Below Market Rate Housing
Given the cost of land and construction costs, how do we make it economically viable to create Below Market Rate housing for low income residents (80% of AMI or lower) in Palo Alto? (80% of AMI is $66,150 for one person or $75,800 for two persons.)
Do you support dedicating as parkland those properties currently and long used as park space but not formally dedicated as such in order to protect from future development those spaces currently enjoyed by the public?
Funding the City’s Pension and Health Benefits Liability
How do you plan to fund the shortfall in city’s long-term pension and health benefits liability?
Funding Strategy to Improve Grade Separation Options
Describe a creative funding strategy you would employ to improve Palo Alto’s grade separation options.
Ideas For Solving Our Traffic Problems
What are your ideas for solving our traffic problems (other than using Caltrain, which is over capacity even with planned expansions)?
Improving the Attraction and Retention of City Staff
In light of the recent departure of several senior city staff members, what would you do to improve the attraction and retention of quality staff?
Improving Communications and Collaboration With PAUSD and School Board
How would you improve communications and collaboration with the PAUSD and School Board?
Inclusion of Below Market Rate Housing In New Rental Housing Projects
Should Palo Alto adopt the “Palmer fix” that requires the inclusion of Below Market Rate housing in new rental housing projects? Please answer Yes or No.
Increasing Social Services Allocation
During the last economic downturn, Social Services funding was cut and has still not been restored. Do you support increasing the Social Services allocation to at least prior levels adjusted for inflation?
Last Minutes Changes By Council Without Staff Analysis or Public Input
The public points out that last minute and significant changes at the dais by Council members is lacking in transparency and not good public policy. Furthermore, last- minute changes do not allow for staff analysis or public input. How can we better ensure the public has a chance to review and comment on these matters?
Limiting Loss of Existing Housing Units
Do you support a law limiting loss of existing housing units? Explain.
Making Palo Alto and Its Neighborhoods More Livable
What two things would you prioritize to make Palo Alto and its neighborhoods more livable?
Modifying Transportation and Parking Standards
Should transportation and parking standards be modified to reflect the realities of increasing office and R&D employee densities? If so, how?
Protecting Neighborhood Services
Neighborhood services, such as doctors and therapists, are being displaced by larger tech or R&D businesses (e.g., 550 Hamilton, 2600 El Camino Real, 385 Sherman). Would you make changes to zoning rules or enforcement to protect neighborhood services?
Reducing Parking Requirements to Promote Building Housing
According to the latest US Census Bureau data, 88% of Palo Alto renter households have at least one car. Do you support reduced parking requirements to promote building housing? Will renters in these developments park in the surrounding neighborhood? If not, explain why not.
What stronger renter protections, including restrictions on evictions without “just cause” and limits on annual rental rate increases, do you support, if any?
Should Businesses Be Responsible For Reducing Traffic and Parking Impacts
Should businesses be responsible for reducing traffic and parking impacts? Should the businesses pay for the remedies and how? What is the City’s role?
What is your philosophy when it comes to local versus state control over growth and development mandates?