Founded in 1998, PAN is a networking organization connecting neighbors and neighborhoods. PAN members formed a core group of the city’s first emergency volunteers and assisted in the founding of a separate department for Palo Alto’s emergency services. Today PAN members are still a vital part of grassroots organizing for emergency preparedness. Plus PAN amplifies the voices of residents at City Hall. PAN’s goal is to look at broad brushstroke issues affecting multiple or all neighborhoods in Palo Alto. Residents elect the leaders. Shouldn’t we have a say in how the city is run? Want to learn more? Contact co-chair Becky Sanders (
Palo Alto Neighborhoods Map
Click a numbered area for more information.

St. Claire Gardens
South of Midtown
Neighborhood Leader: Sheri Furman
PAN representative: Annette Glanckopf
Downtown North
Neighborhood Leader: Pat Markevitch
PAN Representative: Pat Markevitch
Crescent Park
Neighborhood Leader: Tom Rindfleisch
PAN Representative: Tom Rindfleisch
University South
Neighborhood Leader: Vacant
PAN Representative: Vacant
Community Center
Neighborhood Leader: Peter Allen
PAN Representative: Peter Allen
Duveneck/St. Francis
Neighborhood Leader: Jeff Levinsky
PAN Representative: Jeff Levinsky
Triple El
Embarcadero Oaks
Neighborhood Leader: Jo Ann Mandinach
PAN Representative: Jo Ann Mandinach
Leland Manor
Neighborhood Leader: Vacant
PAN Representative: Esther Nigenda
Old Palo Alto
Neighborhood Leader: Andie Reed
PAN Representative: Nadia Naik
Neighborhood Leader: Vacant
PAN Representative: Jim McFall
Evergreen Park
Neighborhood Leader: Bob Entriken
PAN Representative: Jeffrey Hook
College Terrace
Mayfield/Palo Alto Central
Neighborhood Leader: Todd Burke
PAN Representative: Terry Holzemer
Palo Verde
Neighborhood Leader: Vacant
PAN Representative: Vacant
Adobe Meadow/Meadow Park
Adobe Meadow
Neighborhood Leader: Arthur Keller
PAN Representative: Arthur Keller
Meadow Park
Neighborhood Leader: Peter Taskovich
PAN Representative: Peter Taskovich
Charleston Gardens
Neighborhood Leader: Scott Fullam
PAN Representative: Scott Fullam
Neighborhood Leader: Srini Sankaran
PAN Representative: Srini Sankaran
Greenmeadow Community Assoc.
Walnut Grove
Neighborhood Leader: Vipul Vyas
PAN Representative: Vipul Vyas
Neighborhood Leader: Len Filppu
PAN Representative: Len Filppu
Charleston Meadows
Neighborhood Leader: Keith Reckdahl
PAN Representative: Keith Reckdahl
Monroe Park
Neighborhood Leader: Linnea Wickstrom
PAN Representative: Linnea Wickstrom
Palo Alto Orchards
Neighborhood Leader: Ron Chun
PAN Representative: Ron Chun
Greenacres I and II
Greenacres I
Neighborhood Leader: Frankie Farhat
PAN Representative: Nina Bell
Greenacres II
Neighborhood Leader: Jim Colton
PAN Representative: Vacant
Greater Miranda
Neighborhood Leader: Brian Steen
PAN Representative: Brian Steen
Esther Clark Park
Neighborhood Leader: Vacant
PAN Representative: Vacant
Palo Alto Hills
Neighborhood Leader: Mark Nadim
PAN Representative: Mark Nadim
San Alma
Neighborhood leader: Barbara Best