Palo Alto Neighborhoods Map
Click a numbered area for more information.

St. Claire Gardens
South of Midtown
Neighborhood Leader: Sheri Furman
PAN representative: Annette Glanckopf
Downtown North
Neighborhood Leader: Pat Markevitch
PAN Representative: Pat Markevitch
Crescent Park
Neighborhood Leader: Tom Rindfleisch
PAN Representative: Tom Rindfleisch
University South
Neighborhood Leader: Vacant
PAN Representative: Vacant
Community Center
Neighborhood Leader: Peter Allen
PAN Representative: Peter Allen
Duveneck/St. Francis
Neighborhood Leader: Jeff Levinsky
PAN Representative: Jeff Levinsky
Triple El
Embarcadero Oaks
Neighborhood Leader: Jo Ann Mandinach
PAN Representative: Jo Ann Mandinach
Leland Manor
Neighborhood Leader: Vacant
PAN Representative: Esther Nigenda
Old Palo Alto
Neighborhood Leader: Andie Reed
PAN Representative: Nadia Naik
Neighborhood Leader: Vacant
PAN Representative: Jim McFall
Evergreen Park
Neighborhood Leader: Bob Entriken
PAN Representative: Jeffrey Hook
College Terrace
Mayfield/Palo Alto Central
Neighborhood Leader: Todd Burke
PAN Representative: Terry Holzemer
Palo Verde
Neighborhood Leader: Vacant
PAN Representative: Vacant
Adobe Meadow/Meadow Park
Adobe Meadow
Neighborhood Leader: Arthur Keller
PAN Representative: Arthur Keller
Meadow Park
Neighborhood Leader: Peter Taskovich
PAN Representative: Peter Taskovich
Charleston Gardens
Neighborhood Leader: Scott Fullam
PAN Representative: Scott Fullam
Neighborhood Leader: Srini Sankaran
PAN Representative: Srini Sankaran
Greenmeadow Community Assoc.
Walnut Grove
Neighborhood Leader: Vipul Vyas
PAN Representative: Vipul Vyas
Neighborhood Leader: Len Filppu
PAN Representative: Len Filppu
Charleston Meadows
Neighborhood Leader: Keith Reckdahl
PAN Representative: Keith Reckdahl
Monroe Park
Neighborhood Leader: Linnea Wickstrom
PAN Representative: Linnea Wickstrom
Palo Alto Orchards
Neighborhood Leader: Ron Chun
PAN Representative: Ron Chun
Greenacres I and II
Greenacres I
Neighborhood Leader: Frankie Farhat
PAN Representative: Nina Bell
Greenacres II
Neighborhood Leader: Jim Colton
PAN Representative: Vacant
Greater Miranda
Neighborhood Leader: Brian Steen
PAN Representative: Brian Steen
Esther Clark Park
Neighborhood Leader: Vacant
PAN Representative: Vacant
Palo Alto Hills
Neighborhood Leader: Mark Nadim
PAN Representative: Mark Nadim
San Alma
Neighborhood leader: Barbara Best