Welcome to Palo Alto – What you need to know

Here are the answers to questions you may have about Palo Alto
- What neighborhood am I in? See Neighborhood map and information on Neighborhood Associations on tabs on right.
- Is there a local block leader or emergency preparedness contact for our street? If not, we’re always looking for volunteers to take these roles on! http://www.cityofpaloalto.org/services/public_safety/get_involved/npc_bpc.asp
- What is the closest park to our new home? Check out link to left
- What day is the garbage, recycling, and compost picked up on our street? What goes where. See zero waste web site at http://www.cityofpaloalto.org/gov/depts/pwd/zerowaste/whatgoeswhere/toolkit.asp
- Where is my closest library? See library link on right
- Where is my closest park? See park link on right.
- Who do I contact if I have a problem with utilities in my home? (650) 329-2161
- What are the local newspapers where I can learn more about Palo Alto?
o The Palo Alto Weekly comes out in print form on Fridays and is delivered to homes for free. The Weekly also has a daily online newsletter you can sign up for. o The Daily Post comes out in print on M, W, Th, Fr, Sat, and you can pick it up at the blue stands placed throughout the city.
- We’re parents of young kids. How can we learn more about what is going on? The Palo Alto Menlo Park parents club is a great resource to start with! http://pampclub.org/
- We’re parents of school age kids. How can we connect with the schools and the district? See link to right on Palo Alto schools. They have many social opportunities for parents and families such as the international fair, science fair, and ice skating parties. The Palo Alto Unified school district administration is located at 25 Churchill Road, which is where school board meetings are held on Tuesday evenings. https://www.pausd.org/
- How can I find the best bicycle routes? We’re a really bike friendly city. Bryant Street is a designated bike boulevard that runs north and south and we’re adding others, such as Ross Road. Each school has a site specific walk and roll map. Walk and Roll Suggested Route Maps – City of Palo Alto, CA
- How can I learn more about what is happening in city government? The 7 member City Council meets on Monday evenings. There are eight boards and commissions that work on our utilities, libraries, art, architecture, historic resources, planning and transportation, human relations, and parks and recreation. For agendas see Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes – City of Palo Alto, CA
- What are some of the special events and activities in Palo Alto
- May Fete Parade is a charming tradition for kids to march through downtown on a Saturday morning
- Foothills summer camp is a great opportunity for kids to spend time in this special park. (Look for the Enjoy catalog that comes out three times a year to learn more about all the classes and camps available for people of all ages.)
- World Music Day and the Art and Wine Festival take place downtown in the summer
- The 4th of July Chili Cookoff is at Mitchell Park
- The Great Glass Pumpkin Patch happens at the Art Center in the fall
- The Palo Alto Festival of the Arts is a “happening” on University Ave in August
- In September, the Art Center hosts a Palo Alto Clay and Glass Festival
- Fulton Street has a holiday light display that is a cherished annual tradition for two weeks in December