Our Mission



PAN serves as an independent umbrella group for Palo Alto neighborhoods whose purpose is to enhance communications and mutual support, thus enabling neighborhoods and residents to act in unison with a common voice, or individually, on local concerns.


  1. Provide and exchange relevant information on issues of common interest, and work toward neighborhood-friendly environmentally-responsible land use policies.
  2. Increase the credibility and political leverage of neighborhood groups through shared knowledge, expertise, vision ideas and common goals.
  3. Raise visibility of the neighborhood perspective with the city council, all city boards and commissions and city staff, so they are more aware of and responsive to the enhancement of quality life in the neighborhood as expressed in the Palo Alto Comprehensive Plan.


  • Palo Alto Neighborhoods (PAN) is an unincorporated voluntary association of the neighborhood associations from commonly identified geographic areas of Palo Alto. A list of neighborhoods, their names and approximate boundaries, their current leaders and contact information for those leaders are listed on the PAN website, at paneighborhoods.org.
  • PAN was formed in 1998 to improve communication among Palo Alto neighborhoods regarding issues that impact residents and the overall quality of life throughout the city. PAN does not “represent” neighborhoods but ensures that the voices of neighbors and neighborhoods are heard.
  • There shall be an Executive Committee of approximately 7 members that meets monthly to set the general meeting agenda and which can act on behalf of PAN when so authorized by the general membership. The committee includes the Chair, a vice-chair, secretary and treasurer, elected each January by a vote, one per neighborhood, of those attending that meeting.
  • The Chair of PAN will be chosen each January by a vote, one per neighborhood, of those attending that meeting. (“Chair” refers to one or more chairpersons.)
  • A month prior to the election a Nominating Committee composed of at least 3 people will be appointed to present the names of candidates for officers and for the Executive Committee. The names will be presented to the Executive Committee for its approval prior to the election meeting. Other nominations may be made at the election meeting.
  • The Chair will call meetings as deemed necessary, giving email notice to each association at least seven days prior to the meeting date and including the agenda for the meeting.
  • PAN meetings are not open to the general public. The Chair should take all reasonable steps to invite additional attendees who can be helpful to PAN, but is under no obligation to include those who do not represent a Palo Alto neighborhood.
  • The Chair will keep full control of discussion at meetings to stay on agenda, encourage broad participation and finish items and the meeting in the allotted time.
  • Neighborhoods themselves are encouraged to pursue, within the public process, issues important to them. PAN will use its efforts to communicate to all other associations the facts and analysis related to such a neighborhood effort. PAN may encourage other associations to join in support of the lead neighborhood. When expressly requested to do so, the Chair will speak on such issues.
  • The Chair or designee may express opinions and/or positions on behalf of PAN, as distinguished from neighborhood associations represented within PAN, after discussion at a PAN meeting and authorization to do so by a vote, one per neighborhood, of those attending the meeting. The Chair may speak and write as an individual so long as he/she does not identify as the PAN Chair or as speaking for PAN.
  • Suggested revisions to this Statement shall be reviewed by the Executive Committee prior to submission to the general membership.