Whether you live in the Foothills of Palo Alto or the flatlands closer to the Bay, preparing for wildfires makes a lot of sense. The wildfire threat is significant across the Santa Cruz Mountain range and is highlighted in the Santa Clara County and Palo Alto local hazard mitigation plans. In the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI), there are over 130 residences, a handful of businesses, and public infrastructure that is at risk. The City of Palo Alto works every year to minimize the risk; we have a multi-functional team that works on our wildfire risk reduction programs. But, the City can only do so much. Every property owner must take the steps to prepare for wildfires. Please check out the resources for preparing, responding and recovering from a wildfire to the right. City of Palo Alto-Prepare for Wildfire WHEN TO EVACUATE Know ahead of time how you’re going to evacuate. Understand ALL the routes in and out of your neighborhood. If you can’t leave using an evacuation route, know the nearest Safety Zone, an area relatively free from flammable vegetation or materials that provides refuge from a fire. WHAT TO DO IF YOU ARE TRAPPED WHILE ON FOOT WHILE AT HOME |
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