aReasons to Have a Party

            10 Reasons to Have a Block Party !!
1. To have fun – no excuse or reason to celebrate!
2. To meet your neighbors. The more you know who belongs to the
neighborhood, the more likely you are to identify strangers or
suspicious people.
3. To increase the sense of belonging in your neighborhood.
4. To organize a city-sponsored group such as Emergency Service   Volunteers and get prepared.
5. To make connections within the community. When you know people,
you can exchange skills or resources and perhaps organize a book club, baby-sitting co-op, share walking to school duties, or find new friends for your children.

6. To plan a campaign for traffic slowdown, get better lighting, or
address other interests.
7. To “use” the street for one day, for example to roller blade, set up a
kids jump house or to practice bike safety skills.
8. To meet some of the old-time residents in the neighborhood and

learn about its history.
9. To have a neighborhood clean-up day, play some good music and
barbecue once all the work is done.
10. To start a tradition of getting together at least once a year.